How skilled are you at using abbreviations for texting? The text message has been around since 1992. Fast forward about three decades, and billions of these messages are now traveling between mobile phones daily. Back then, mobile users created a more straightforward way of texting since picking one letter meant multiple clicks of a button. Eventually, to simply save time, SMS abbreviations became popular. You won’t find these in the Oxford English Dictionary, but people around the globe use them every day. And they’re still popular, even with today’s devices displaying full keyboards. For convenience, most people use it daily. 

So, do you know texting lingo well enough to make the short message service system work for you?

Why You Need to Use Abbreviations or at Least Know Them

Technology should help us, rather than make life more difficult or result in time-consuming tasks, right? So, even for something as simple as a text message, it’s best to find ways to optimize this method of online communication for your personal use.

And then there are the advantages of text messaging for your own business! Yes, social media and other marketing types are important. But thanks to services like, SMS campaigns can be a powerful tool in any business setting. With automated features and instant message replies, you can save time getting back to your clients or securing a sale.

Do you simply want to tell your friend ‘talk to you later’, but you’re already running late for a meeting? Or, you want to speak the language of the people to resonate with your target audience. Saying as much as possible in as few characters as possible is, therefore, an important skill!

Even if you don’t use text messages often, you may receive a private chat initiation from an important party. To maintain communication, you need to understand their content, whether personal or business-related. And chances are, their text messages will contain text abbreviations or an acronym or two.

So, for these scenarios and more, our list of abbreviations for texting is the guide you’ve been looking for.

The Most Common Texting and SMS Abbreviations

Get started on speeding up your texting with these common texting abbreviations that most people already know. There’s little chance of someone misunderstanding you, so try implementing these texting abbreviations in your personal messaging.

AFKAway from keyboard
AKAAlso known as
ASAPAs soon as possible
BTWBy the way
FYIFor your information
KITKeep in touch
LMGTFYLet me Google that for you
LMKLet me know
LOLLaughing out loud
N/ANot applicable
NVMNever mind
ROFLRolling on floor laughing
TIAThanks in advance
YOLOYou only live once

Texting Abbreviations for Business Text Messages

Yes, you need to communicate professionally with all business communication. But these days, many accepted texting abbreviations can be used in professional and commercial environments. Both colleagues and clients will find it sufficient, and you can say a lot in a short message.  It’s a great help if you’re sending messages manually, but even when using SMS for bulk messaging, your clients may even appreciate the abbreviations. They get the necessary information in a succinct way, so you’re saving them time! 

Make sure the text abbreviations and texting language are appropriate for your brand’s image and industry. Here are the most popular and effective abbreviations to use in business messaging. 

BAUBusiness as usual
BRBest regards
CTACall to action
CTRClick-through rate
ETAEstimated time of arrival
EODEnd of day
IMNSHOIn my not so humble opinion
IMHOIn my humble opinion
JMOJust my opinion
OOOOut of office
ROIReturn on investment
HAWTHave a wonderful day
WIPWork in progress

Abbreviations to Use When Texting Your Partner

Keep up communication with your partner or other loved ones throughout the day with as little effort as possible. From personal jokes to giving updates about good or challenging situations, texting abbreviations can come in handy. And GPOY (see below) can help lighten the mood while ILY communicates emotion, even when you’re far apart.

Text abbreviations can also prevent unnecessary fights between couples. Quickly confirm the details of the evening’s plans, and if you’re called away from your device in the middle of a text message conversation, texting slang like BBL will confirm you’re not ignoring your partner’s messages.

  • Tip: Just make sure your partner knows who or what you’re referring to when using text abbreviations like BFF.
AFFAAngels Forever, Forever Angels
AFAIKAs far as I know
A/S/LAge sex location
BBLBe back later
BFFBest friends forever
BRBBe right back
BTWBy the way
BYOBBring your own beer
CWOTComplete waste of time
FTWFor the win
GTGGot to go
GNSDGood night, sweet dreams
GPOYGratuitous picture of yourself
IDKI don’t know
IDCI don’t care
IIRCIf I remember correctly
IMOIn my opinion
IMHOIn my humble opinion 
ILYI love you
IRLIn real life
JKJust kidding
NPNo problem
NRNNo reply necessary
NSFWNot safe for work
OMDBOver my dead body
OMWOn my way
RNRight now
SMHShaking my head
SSDDSame stuff, different day
TBCTo be continued
TBHTo be honest
TL;DRToo long; Didn’t read
TMIToo much Information
TYThank you
TTYLTalk to you later
WOMBATWaste of money, brains, and time

Examples of Using Text Abbreviations

You’ve got the list, but how do you use it? You still need to make sure the other party knows exactly what you want to share. If you’re using a text abbreviation in corporate communication – even with fun marketing messages – you must prove you’re comfortable using it and know exactly how to connect with your target audience. For home and office use, here are some internet acronyms examples for inspiration.

BYOD – Bring Your Own Device

  • We’ll have a BYOD day to simplify our early morning business meeting.

ROTFL – Rolling on the Floor Laughing

  • ROTFL. Thanks for cheering me up with that story.

JMO – Just My Opinion

  • Not the right guy for the job Mr. Boss, but that’s JMO.

LMK – Let Me Know

  • If that gadget actually works in real life, LMK. I don’t want to waste money on a trend.

KIT – Keep in Touch

  • You’re moving away, but I won’t forget you! KIT, and we’ll make plans for Christmas.

WOMBAT – Waste of Money, Brains, and Time

  • That training taught me nothing. WOMBAT

WIP – Work in Progress and EOD – End of Day

  • Dear client. Your inquiry relates to a matter that’s still a WIP. We’ll update you by EOD.

B2C – Business to Consumer

  • Yes, we’re a B2C retailer. How can we assist with your order?

BTW – By the way

  • Awesome presentation. BTW, love the new look.

IDK – I Don’t Know

  • IDK where my passport is. I’m going to be late.

NSFW – Not Safe for Work

  • View this funny video at home. NSFW!

Is It Always Good to Use Abbreviations While Texting?

Despite the many benefits of SMS marketing, you need to apply some wisdom when using it. 

Firstly, you must ensure the way you apply text abbreviations suits your target audience. Different generations developed different text lingo for their SMS messages. So, while the overuse of numbers works for Gen X, millennials can perceive your approach as outdated. Or, they will think you’re trying too hard if your marketing material contains phrases they’ll view as outdated text slang, like ‘gr8 2 hear from you’. 

When creating messages for a global audience or if your content needs to be translated at some point in the campaign, it’s best to avoid acronyms and even abbreviations. Other cultures can have a different meaning for an acronym than you do. 

This is how one way platforms like can simplify your life. With the help of smart AI, your SMS campaign can communicate effectively with members of different home languages. The tech will send, receive and translate accurately on your behalf.  

Abbreviations can also have different meanings. For example, ‘PM’ can stand for ‘Prime Minister,’ but also ‘profit margin’ or ‘program manager.’ To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, skip the abbreviations if you’re not sure the recipient will know what you mean. 

Be Careful! Don’t Overuse Abbreviations for Texting

Hold on before typing a list of abbreviations in your next text message. The recipient may not have this list on hand, so many abbreviations and acronyms can be confusing. With text abbreviations, a reader can make assumptions and apply your message to a totally unrelated subject! Imagine the misunderstandings and conflicts. 

Create some context to ensure you accurately convey your meaning via the direct message. Instead, limit text abbreviations and acronyms to one per message or one per sentence.

And remember, your text message can always contain a link to other information on social media or a website. So, if you have a lot to say or want to optimize your SMS marketing campaign, why not use all the resources the digital environment has to offer?